Julia Claiborne Johnson

“…I can’t remember the last book that made me gasp “Oh, no!” as many times at unexpected reversals. The pages all but turned themselves!”

Pamela Klinger-Horn

“…Not since DANGEROUS LIASONS have readers had the opportunity to indulge in the glorious misbehavior of the upper crust. Feminist writer Renee Rosen pits Alva Vanderbilt and Caroline Astor in a war to be the reigning “Queen of Society” – and they are armed with wit,...

Mary O’Malley

“Renee Rosen turns her readers into time travelers as her writing pulls us deep into the pages of The Social Graces and the excesses of society’s Gilded Age.”

Lauren Margolin

“…vivid storytelling and impeccable research. …a must read for historical and/or women’s fiction fans.”